How Can A Member Access the Park and Amenities?
PHCC facility and park currently closed due to Expansion (Find out more).
All members in good standing (meaning your membership fees are paid and up to date) are able to access the park and it’s amenities. You can do this by getting a membership card created. What you need:
Certificate of Title (if we don’t already have it on file or if you don’t live at the Panorama Hills Address)
Driver’s License with the matching Panorama Hills Address OR
a piece of mail, with your name and Panorama Hills Address
Bring your Title and ID to the Community Centre. We will update your account, take your picture and print your membership card on the spot.
We recommend that you take a picture of your membership card and keep it on your phone OR if you forget your card, please bring your driver’s license.
Your membership is based on your address. If you fall within the catchment area of the PHRA, which includes most of Panorama Hills and Hanson Ridge (Excluding Panorama Hills Estates) and have an encumbrance to the Panorama Hills Residents Association Ltd. listed on your Certificate of Title, you are automatically a member! Not sure if you address counts? Give us a call and we can check for you!
Everyone that is 12 years of age and older are eligible for a membership card. Members aged 12-17 do not need to provide any additional identification as long as they are listed on the account. Members 18yrs+ must provide a piece of ID as listed above.
My Kids Are Under 12 - How Can They Access The Park?
Any child under the age of 12 can attend the park with someone that is 12yrs of age or older.
We love guests! Bring your friends and family to enjoy the park, no problem! We only ask that if you have more than 10 guests, that you fill out a Guest List Request Form and submit it to us at least 24 hours. Households are not permitted to have more than 20 guests in the park.
If someone is not listed on your account, the homeowner needs to be the one to add them. This can be done by having the homeowner call us at 403.226.4386 or by completing the Profile Update Form. They must still provide identification to receive their membership card.
Please refer to the Panorama Hills RA Ltd. Resident Information Booklet, for more information about the annual fee and Community Centre hours of operation. Click here to download the Information Booklet.
As of April 1, 2016 the Panorama Hills RA Ltd. is represented by a volunteer Board of Directors. As of April 1, 2018, the Panorama Hills RA Ltd. has moved to a self-managed organizational structure and no longer maintains a contract with a property management firm.