In early 2021, the Capital Development Committee issued a Request for Proposals for a Project Manager. By engaging with a Project Manager at this point in the process, we are able to ensure that we have all relevant information available to present to our Members as we come to discuss and discover more about a potential expansion project at the Panorama Hills Community Centre.
After reviewing several applications, and considering a number of presentations and interviews, the NSRA Capital Development Committee engaged with Lawson Projects to help guide us through this process. They will:
The Enhanced Landscape Maintenance (ELM) program is a community-initiated program that fosters connectivity, community pride and enhances the visual aesthetics of a neighbourhood.
To enhance all the greenspaces in our Community. To revitalize the park and greenspaces through an updated maintenance schedule.
1. All grass/ turf – mowing and trimming
2. Flower Beds
3. Tree Wells – Shrub Beds
1. Trees – Urban Forest – all
2. Urban Forest – all Trees
3. Pathways – all
4. Playgrounds – all
5. Playground amenities – Shelters, benches – all
6. Bus Shelters – all
7. Garbage – waste receptacles – all
8. Sports Fields
9. Snow Removal
10. Weed Control
Our designated contractor will:
Weekly Turf control – mow and trim versus Bi-Weekly service we currently receive.
Weekly Litter control
Weekly cultivation and edging of shrub beds
Routine weeding and assessment
Bi-weekly full bed maintenance (14 Visits)
Irrigation will be turned on in major greenspaces
Fertilization program in major greenspaces
Weed Control in major greenspaces
The PHRA will receive the annual operating grant from The City of Calgary Parks department that is paid to provide the current level of service.
The Board of Directors will then designate an additional amount in each years annual budget.The expectation for 2022 is $150,000. Which is approxiamately $23 per household.
Your annual RA fee will not increase.
The PHRA has been actively collecting data from members since 2017 through a series of events and surveys. With over 10000 respondents in that time, we feel confident that we have enough information to warrant the Landscape Maintenance Program.
The results have led us to recognize a demand for increased services that we are not currently able to provide given our current facilities and maintenance staff.
The program incudes all City of Calgary owned greenspaces in Panorama Hills. This includes boulevards, parks, sports fields and all flower/shrub/tree beds in the parks.
The City of Calgary will continue to look after:
Shelters and park amenities
Garbage containers
Urban Forestry – the trees in all the City owned land including medians
Street signs
Control Lights
The overall community of Panorama Hills is broken up into 2 sections. Panorama Hills Estates to the South and Panorama Hills to the North. They are divided by the regional West to East pathway that runs from Harvest Hills Blvd to the ridge overlooking the golf course. Each section has an association – Panorama Hills Estates Homeowners Association (https://panhillsestates.ca/) and the Panorama Hills RA Ltd. (https://www.myphra.com/).
Both associations had to agree to enter into the program on behalf of the Panorama Hills community. However, the NSRA is focused on the area within its section and will thus manage the contractor that provides the service.
Read “What about Panorama Hills Estates” for more on Panorama Hills Estates’s involvement in Panorama Hills ELM.
Panorama Hills Home Owners Association has elected not to perform enhancements in their part of the community at this time. The contractor will maintain City of Calgary standards in that part of the community.
We have to commit to a 5 year contract with the City of Calgary.
The contractor that was selected is Able Landscaping Ltd. The contract was issued by tender and several contractors submitted proposals. The service contract is reviewed on an annual basis.
The management team at PHRA will monitor and work with Able Landscape.
You contact the PHRA if the issue is something we look after:
· Grass/Turf
· Flower beds
· Tree wells
· Email maintenance@myphra.com
You contact City of Calgary for:
· Trees – Urban Forest
· Urban Forest – all Trees
· Pathways
· Playgrounds
· Playground amenities – Shelters, benches
· Bus Shelters
· Garbage – waste receptacles
· Sports Fields
· Snow Removal
· Weed Control
· Sidewalks
· Call or email 311
The PHRA has been actively collecting data from members since 2017 through a series of events and surveys. With over 10000 respondents in that time, we feel confident that we have enough information to warrant the Landscape Maintenance Program.
The results have led us to recognize a demand for increased services that we are not currently able to provide given our current facilities and maintenance staff.